It is not new to most people of Facebook blocking users nowadays. I won't blame them as the number of fake Facebook accounts is growing exponentially. I have come across lots of profiles pretending to be who they are not.
Top famous people are usually the targets. These individuals have their accounts cloned by scam mongers to carry out their nefarious activities.
As a company, Facebook have been working hard to curb these kinds of activities and some persons have been made casualty of war...oops! that is very sad.
Well! I will quickly review some of the reasons why Facebook blocked your account and i hope you do find these tips usable and handy.
Some of these reasons are:
1. You didn’t use your real name. You need to see some names today...! wow! some names are like ''$@$**####. Come on guys, what planet is that kind of individual from, is that an encryption or a name? Facebook is not a Stargate Program! We are still on earth please I never recalled being asked ''what planet are you from?'' while registering my Facebook account. If you have a name like this, Facebook will find you and spit you out.
2. You joined too many groups. Now whats your plan? The maximum limit is 200 groups per user.
3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group. You can even have your account disabled for “excessive evangelism.”
4. You posted in too many groups,too many user’s walls. That is the definition of spamming. this is very silly.
5. You added too many people. Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled
accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself and the maximum number of person you should add a day should be about 100.
6. Your school or organization affiliation is doubtful.
7. You’re poking too many people. Beware the odd Facebook app that pokes on your behalf.
8. You advertised your app on wall posts.
9. You used duplicate text in multiple messages.
10. You are a cow, dog, or library.
11. You are under 18 years old and not part of a High School group.
12. You wrote offensive content. Try and be diplomatic on Facebook. Don't start an E-World War.
13. You scraped information off Facebook. E.g. Facebook bots disabled Robert Scoble’s account
14. You post indecency on your wall or as a message. Facebook is not a porn site, be modest and decent.
15. Your account was being hacked. Facebook automatically blocks your account when there is suspicious accesses.
16. VPN. Imagine logging in with a Nigerian server just two minutes ago and I log in again two minutes later using a US server. Now, that is very suspicious. Facebook will have your account locked immediately it is detected.
17. Repeated trial of an invalid password. What are you trying to do? Guess?
18. Your Enemies. Imagine you enemies reports you to Facebook for some things that go against the Terms and Condition of facebook, your account will be immediatly taken care of upon verification of the report.
So... guys, you can add yours in the comments below. Have your say and i am waiting for your replies.